Signal Lights
What is a signal light?
A signal lamp, also called a status lamp or a signal tower is a lamp with an important safety function. These safety lights warn users in dangerous situations. The stack lights are often applied to equipment in industrial production and process control environments.
When do you use a Stack light?
Signal lights are used to communicate the status of the with visual and audible indicators to factory personnel such as machine operators, technicians and production managers.
The colour of the signal light indicates the condition of a machine. A signal lamp uses multiple colours.
Frequently used colour indications
Red: Stop!/beware!/ danger! or an emergency or a machine failure
Yellow or Orange: Stand-by or a warning for, for example, overheating or overpressure
Green: Safe/ Normal machine processing, the machine is on and working properly
Blue: External help request
White: User-specified status
We offer signal lamps in various sizes and designs. Our signal lamps are equipped with highly efficient and high-quality LEDs. A number of signal lights are also equipped with buzzers, buzzers on an LED signal tower provide extra attention when needed.
Please contact us for advice or a quote without obligation.